CUIT’s Web Services team provides services for customers who wish to have their Drupal 8 site developed by vendors and hosted within CUIT’s environment (Please note, we are no longer hosting externally developed Drupal 7 websites.) Outlined below is the typical flow of this process:
- Client contacts CUIT informing them of their intention to have a website externally developed.
- CUIT sends our Developer’s Guide for the client’s vendor to review, describing our security and best practice standards.
- CUIT will create a Statement of Work for the client to review and authorize agreement upon our provided services.
- CUIT will create a GitLab repository for the vendors to check-in their code at agreed-upon dates during their development cycle.
- CUIT will review the code to ensure that it meets our security and best practice standards as outlined in our Development Guide.
- Once the finalized site is handed off by the vendor, CUIT will launch the site in our production environment.