CAS Service Registration Request
To submit a CAS service registration request, create a Service Now service request, copy the Required Information items and any Optional Information items as appropriate, along with your responses into the Service Now request, and choose “Identity & Access Management” as the assignment group.
On this page:
Required Information
Registered Service Label
A short name that will uniquely identify the service (limit 30 characters).
A short description of the application and the target audience, including how user information, whether obtained from CAS, the user, or other sources, will be used by the application and who will have access to that information (limit 500 characters).
URL(s) where a user will be redirected after obtaining a service ticket. If destinations are not yet available, the service can be registered but will remain disabled until a destination is provided. All destinations must be protected by SSL. Destination URLs have an implied wildcard '*' at the end.
Technical Contact
Name and email address for a full-time Columbia employee who is knowledgeable about the technical aspects of the web application. The contact should have a UNI and Columbia email address.
Administrative Contact
Name and email address for a full-time Columbia employee who is knowledgeable about the technical aspects of the web application. The contact should have a UNI and Columbia email address.
FERPA applicability
Will the application handle either student directory information that can be restricted by a student or other student information that is universally protected by FERPA?
FERPA compliance
If the answer to the last item is yes, have you reviewed the application for compliance with Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act Regulations (FERPA)?
RSAM review
Has the application been reviewed by the University's Information Security Risk Management Program? Please note the RSAM registration number if appropriate.
Optional Information
ID Format
[UNI or Anonymous id ] default: UNI
The format of the user identifier returned in the ticket validation response. Choose UNI unless you are sure you need to use Anonymous ID. An "anonymous id" is an opaque string of characters derived from a given UNI and service. The anonymous id is constant over time (the same UNI and service will yield the same anonymous id) but it cannot be translated back into the UNI. Anonymous ids can be useful in self-registration scenarios in which the user enters information that can be linked to the anonymous id, or in cases where all the application needs to know about the authentication is whether it was successful.
Single Sign-On
[yes/no] default: no
Should single sign-on (SSO) be enabled for this service? (See CAS SSO for a description of how single sign-on works in CAS.)
Multifactor Authentication
An application-supplied help URL and label (limit 30 characters.) If you supply a help URL and no label, the label will be defaulted to "Help".
User Attributes
default: none
User attributes that should be returned in the ticket validation response. See What can CAS tell my application for details. Currently available:
First name
Last name
Email address
Last password change date -
default: none
A list of LDAP affiliations that should be returned in the ticket validation response. These can include information on school, course enrollment, CUNIX and Grouper groups, alumni school and year, and faculty/officer/staff/student role.
Show CU links
[yes/no] default: no
Should standard Columbia University links, e.g., "Admissions", "Schools & Departments", etc., be displayed on the CAS login page?
Help link
default: UNI Help
An application-supplied help URL and label (limit 30 characters.) If you supply a help URL and no label, the label will be defaulted to "Help".
Custom Image
default: Columbia CAS logo
An image of 440x50 pixels that is displayed across the top of the inner white box on the CAS login page. (Attach the image with your request.) Defaulted to the Columbia CAS logo which includes a blue crown and the words, "Columbia University in the City of New York" against a white background.