Electronic Document Management — OnBase
Management of critical business documents in a secure online environment.
Also known as OnBase or EDM.

CUIT’s Electronic Document Management team offers OnBase as a platform to capture, manage, access, integrate, measure, and store business content, specifically data and documents. OnBase has the ability to integrate with University systems, such as Accounting and Reporting at Columbia (ARC), Student Information Systems (SIS) and PowerFAIDs, as well as non-University systems such as SLATE, ApplyYourself, World Education Services (WES). OnBase also features capabilities such as Optical Character Recognition (OCR), full-text search capabilities, eForms management, and redaction. Additionally, a digital fax server is available.
To accommodate the varying needs of Columbia’s schools and departments, CUIT has developed a tiered service model for OnBase that offers expedited response times, 24x7 support and expanded enhancement development services for those who expect to require more support.

OnBase can be accessed via OnBase Unity and web clients. To determine what client is right for you, please contact [email protected].
Employees whose PCs are administered by their department should speak to their departmental desktop administrator before attempting to install OnBase.
For ARC users:
If you have both Adobe Acrobat Professional and Adobe Reader installed, you will need to upgrade your version of Adobe Reader to its most recent version: http://get.adobe.com/reader/
If you only have Adobe Acrobat Profession OR Adobe Reader installed, you should verify the following:
In Reader or Acrobat, right-click the document window, and select Page Display Preferences.
From the list at left, select Internet.
Deselect Display PDF In Browser, and then click OK.
- Choose Edit > Preferences > Internet, select Display PDF In Browser, and then click OK.
1. Open a Microsoft Internet Explorer window
2. Go to the Tools menu, then click on Internet Options
3. Click the Privacy tab
4. Click Settings... under the Pop-up Blocker section towards the bottom of the window

5. Under Address of Web site to allow type: onbase.enterprise.columbia.edu
Click Add
NOTE: Your machine may have a third party pop-up blocker installed, e.g., the Yahoo! and/or Google toolbar pop-up blockers. If so, please be sure to add the OnBase website to the list of allowable addresses to the respective pop-up blocker settings.

6. Click Close
7. Click Trusted Sites (Green check) under Select a Zone to view or change security settings

8. Under Add this website for this zone:, type:

Click the Add button

9. Click Close
10. Click the Security Tab then click Custom Level...

11. Scroll down to ActiveX controls and plug-ins and find Automatic prompting for ActiveX controls
12. Click the Enable radio button

13. Scroll down to Script ActiveX controls marked safe for scripting* and click the Enable radio button

14. Click OK to close Internet Options
ActiveX Web Client
The ActiveX Web Client is supported on Microsoft Internet Explorer 11 (IE 11) running in IE 11 document mode.
HTML Web Client (Macintosh OS)
The HTML Web Client is supported on the following browsers in macOS:
- Google Chrome 89 or greater
- Mozilla Firefox 87 or greater
- Mozilla Firefox Extended Support Release (ESR) 78 or greater
- Safari 14.0 or greater, with the exceptions of full-screen mode and Safari Reader
HTML Web Client (Windows OS)
The HTML Web Client is supported on the following browsers in Windows:
- Google Chrome 89 or greater
- Microsoft Edge on Chromium 89 or greater
- Microsoft Internet Explorer 11 (IE 11) running in IE 11 document mode
- Mozilla Firefox 87 or greater
- Mozilla Firefox Extended Support Release (ESR) 78 or greater