CUIT supports ECRT (Effort Certification and Reporting Technology), a web-based application used to facilitate effort monitoring and the annual certification of effort on sponsored projects, as required by federal regulations.
Effort Reporting
Effort reporting is the federally-mandated process by which the salary charged to a sponsored project is certified as being reasonable in relation to the effort expended on that project. Effort reports constitute one of the primary auditable documents to support salary costs on a sponsored project
Certifying Effort
All Officers of Instruction and Officers of Research other than postdocs ("Faculty") who receive sponsored project funding or apply effort to any sponsored projects are required to certify their own effort. Principal investigators are required to certify the effort of postdocs, graduate students and staff funded by their grants.
ECRT service is available 24X7 except Sundays between 12:00am (midnight) and 6:00pm.